Five new technologies for your home
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Ali raza |
Improve your home entertainment...and get your geek on!
Many new technologies and gadgets have taken a back seat to the news of 3D television. Yes, 3D HDTV is astonishing. However, there are some new products out there that will not only improve your geek lifestyle, but also won't require you to wear hulking glasses. Here are five such items. Enjoy!
Can't find your remote control? No problem.
Price: Not yet set
RGB and...Y? QuadPixel technology is here!
The combination of the colors red, green and blue produces the millions of colors that you see on your LCD television (or computer monitor). Even the most beautiful of modern televisions are limited to these mere millions of colors your screen can produce. No longer. Sharp is introducing it's new QuadPixel LCD TV which adds in a yellow filter to produce more than a trillion colors.Price: $3,600
Portable Digital TV and DVD player
Are your kids tired of watching the same ol' DVDs as you travel over the river and through the woods? Philips understands. It has introduced the first portable DVD player that can also pick up digital TV stations. Never miss American Idol again when you're traversing this great nation.Price: $180
Out of the box thinking
The Armour Group has developed a marvelous little radio called the Q2 Cube that tunes in to your favorite internet radio stations. Change the station by physically flipping the box onto one of it's four sides. Volume control? Tilt the box backwards or forwards.Price: Not yet set